Presentations and resources for topics covered at CaribNOG 18 are available below. Only presentations that have archived video, PDF, PowerPoint, or other files will be displayed.   

Day 1 - Wednesday September 25th 2019
Welcome and Overview. Internet Organisation Updates

Achieving Network Autonomy, Best Practices for mitigating global routing threats, RPKI, BGP Multihoming Walkthrough
  • Achieving Network Autonomy (Stephen Lee, ArkiTechs) - Presentation

  • Best Practices for mitigating global routing threats (Sean Kennedy, NANOG) - Presentation

  • RPKI: Why you should care, and how to get started (Mark Kosters, ARIN) - Presentation

  • BGP Multihoming Walkthrough (Yves Ephraim, Pegasus, Stephen Lee, ArkiTechs) - Presentation

Day 2 - Thursday September 26th 2019

Day 2 Videos



Day 3 - Friday September 27th 2019




  • Career in Information Technology (Stephen Lee, ArkiTechs) - Presentation

  • How does the Internet Work? (Mark Kosters, ARIN) - Presentation

  • ICANN 101 (Albert Daniels, ICANN) - Presentation

  • Internet Governance (Shernon Osepa, ISOC) - Presentation