Presentations and resources for topics covered at CaribNOG 17 are available below. Presenter bios are included and only presentations that have archived video, PDF, PowerPoint, or other files will be displayed.   

Day 1 - Wednesday April 10th 2019
Welcome and Overview. Internet Organisation Updates (2:30PM - 3:30PM)

Nuts and Bolts: The ARIN 43 / CaribNOG 17 Meeting Network

Presenter: Frankie McDonough

TIME  3:30 PM

Presentation Abstract:

This session will educate participants on the workings of the ARIN 43 / CaribNOG 17 meeting network, and give insight into designing, planning and deploying networks for similar events. 


Insights into the 2018 Global DNS Attacks

Presenter: Steve Feldman

TIME  4:00pm

Presentation Abstract 

In late 2018 and early 2019, Packet Clearing House was among the targets of a sophisticated attach against several governments and infrastructure providers.  This talk will describe the attack in detail, then show how PCH detected the attack, determined what had happened, and took steps to mitigate future occurrences.



Steve Feldman's primary job is Principal Network Architect at CBS Interactive, a US media company, where he is responsible for the overall architecture of networks for content generation and delivery and interconnections among their datacenters and cloud environments.  He also volunteers as Secretary of the NANOG Program Committee and Board Chair of Packet Clearing House.

He first discovered the Internet in the early 1980s as a graduate student at the University of California while developing Ethernet device drivers for the BSD kernel.  Working for MFS Datanet In the 1990s, he was the Principal Architect for the MAE East and MAE West exchange points.

Day 2 - Thursday April 11th 2019

Day 2 Videos



Presentation Files

Keynote: The crucial role of NOGs in supporting network development

Presenter: Edward McNair

TIME  9:00 am

Presentation Abstract:

NOGs are an important component of the Internet ecosystem. NANOG, for example, has been able to play a major role in developing the network infrastructure, commercial activity, and human relationships that drive development in the North American networks. The session will give participants a better grasp of the general philosophy and typical functionality of NOGs through the lens of your personal and professional experiences at NANOG.



Edward McNair  is the Executive Director of the North American Network Operators Group (NANOG). He is also the co-founder of Kaskadian, an agency that provides branding, marketing and sales support for startups and new businesses.

Revisiting the Root: The history and current state of DNS Root Service

Presenter: David Huberman

TIME  9:30 am


David is a senior staff member in ICANN's Office of the CTO. Prior to joining ICANN, David was a network operator, running the IP address programs at companies such as Microsoft, Oracle Cloud, and Global Crossing. David also was an ARIN staff member for 10 years. 

Presentation Abstract:

A brief history of the evolution of the root server system from its inception in 1985 through its present state, including some future changes that are being worked on at ICANN. 


RPKI: Why you should care, and how to get started

Presenter: Mark Kosters

TIME  10:00 am

Presentation Abstract:

This session will enhance participants’ understanding of the purpose and functionality of RPKI, in a way that a mixed audience of technical and non-technical persons will understand. This could mean avoiding esoteric aspects and focusing on practical areas where definite action is required. 


Learning MANRS: Practices for mitigating global routing threats

Presenter: Sean Kennedy

TIME  11:00 am

Presentation Abstract:

Route hijacks, route table leaks, and denial of service incidents continue to impact Internet services around the world. This session will give all participants an overview of the purpose and functionality of the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS). In particular, Caribbean operators should leave this session with a better understanding of what practical steps they can and should take to mitigate global routing threats.



L Sean Kennedy is an active member of the Internet Engineering community and Chairperson of the NANOG Board of Directors.

Where Does My Traffic Flow? An investigative report on webcasting connectivity challenges

Presenter: Steve Spence

TIME  2:30 pm

Presentation Abstract:

Many people around the Caribbean have poor Internet quality of service, including poor quality video streaming. But most have no idea why. The session should enhance participants’ understanding of what typically goes wrong with streaming video, and provide some personal insights from your experience implementing practical solutions to various problems faced delivering reliable video streaming for your church. 


So, You inherited a DNS Server: DNS best practices from Day One


Eddy has over 25 years experience in UNIX/DNS/DHCP systems and network engineering. In 1996, he joined the North Carolina Research and Education Network (NCREN, formerly CONCERT), primarily focusing on integrating and maintaining BIND and INN for the state of North Carolina's higher education community. In 2008, Eddy was a lead member of the team that transitioned all 115 of North Carolina's K12 school districts to NCREN, creating a K20 network in the state. His focus in this effort was DNS transition planning and coordination. Eddy also served as NCREN's Designated Member Representative to ARIN. Eddy joined ISC in 2011 providing BIND & DHCP consulting, configuration audits and troubleshooting assistance for ISC customers. Eddy is also one of the instructors of ISC's world class technical trainings, primarily teaching the DNS & BIND course. 

Presenter: Edward Winstead

TIME  3:30 pm

Presentation Abstract:

This presentation will discuss the increasingly common situation where a network or system administrator inherits a legacy DNS server and explains how to migrate the services on that server to modern DNS software implementations. 


Which way is up? Finding the light at the end of Wireshark captures


Irwin Williams is a professional software developer.  He has been building software for 16 years, in a range of areas. 

At Teleios Systems, he is the Chief Software Engineer, having built mobile, windows, web and interactive SMS applications. He has been a team lead on several projects. He often performs Solution Architecture at Teleios with a focus on Cloud Computing. 

Irwin has taught Cloud Technologies in the MSc program at the University of the West Indies for four years. Typically, he required his students to lean on very practical aspects, where they use cloud services and propose implementations for real-world applications. 

As a developer advocate, Irwin leads the Teleios Code Jam Build Team and has taken part in several open data awareness initiatives. 

Presenter: Irwin Williams

TIME  4:00 pm

Presentation Abstract:

Have you ever had to perform packet inspection using a tool like WireShark? Using its toolset for sessions of investigation works well when it’s ad hoc. But there may have been times when you found yourself wondering if you could get the contents of a capture file, maybe for a specific protocol out of the file and somewhere, more easily queryable, like a database. Over the last few months, I’ve spent some time working on a technique to do just that. 

This approach involves dumpcap, tshark, C# & SQL Server. In this presentation, I’ll walkthrough how I moved from the daunting task of extracting the packets I cared about, creating the data structure to contain the contents and running a custom ingestion tool I built. 

At the end of this, I hope participants feel empowered to use methods like this

to aid with traffic inspection and analysis. 


Day 3 - Friday April 12th 2019

Day 3 Video

Presentation Files

Prepping for IPv6: Obtaining number resources from ARIN 

Presenter: Jon Worley

TIME  9:00 am

Presentation Abstract:

Caribbean networks often aren’t aware they can get their own resources from ARIN. Obtaining resources from ARIN is easy and can help a network in several ways. Networks that currently lease IPv4 addresses from an ISP are typically paying significantly more per year to lease those addresses than comparable fees to register IPv4 addresses through ARIN. Addresses from ARIN are also portable, so if a network wants to switch from one ISP to another, it’s much easier. My presentation will walk attendees through the process of obtaining these resources from ARIN.

We’ll cover registration of an autonomous system (AS) number, which is used to multi-home via BGP to use multiple ISPs and/or to connect to a public exchange point. We’ll also cover registering IPv6 addresses and how this allows Caribbean networks to unlock access to a special reserved pool of IPv4 addresses that enables them to get an IPv4 /24. Finally, we’ll review ARIN’s IPv4 waiting list and ARIN’s IPv4 transfer policies so that Caribbean networks have an understanding of how they work and whether they might be an option to consider.  



Jon Worley is the Technical Services Lead for ARIN and has been a member of the Registration Services team since 2004. He has experience with all ARIN policies and procedures for requesting, managing, and transferring IP addresses and AS numbers, including technical services such as ARIN’s RESTful API. Jon has spoken about these topics as well as IPv4 depletion and IPv6 adoption at many ARIN events. 

Deploying IPv6: Practical steps to accelerate IPv6 adoption

Presenter: Matthew Wilder

TIME  9:30 am

Presentation Abstract:

As a leading service provider in Canada, TELUS was the first to deploy IPv6 at scale for the benefit of its customers and shareholders.  This presentation outlines recommendations based on the experience of the team responsible for IPv6 at TELUS.  Part business, part technical, this talk should provide helpful insights to any service provider and organization developing their own IPv6 plans. 



Matthew Wilder is a Senior Engineer at TELUS Communications, a leading telecommunications provider in Canada with nearly 2 million home Internet subscribers and over 9 million wireless subscribers.  Based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Matthew is responsible IP Address management and IPv6 at TELUS.  Matthew holds a Bachelor of Applied Science from the University of British Columbia and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Victoria. 

Case Study: IPv6 deployments in the Caribbean

Presenter: Brent McIntosh

TIME  10:00 am

Presentation Abstract:

This session will provide participants with a snapshot of the current state of IPv6 deployment in the Caribbean region. The audience will appreciate actual insights into the challenges and obstacles faced in the process of deployment in the Caribbean, as well as some information about practical strategies implemented to overcome those difficulties. 



Brent is an Internet Service Provider professional with expertise in IP technology. He considers himself an IPv6 Evangelist in his current role of head of IP & MPLS Operations for C&W Communications. He has over 16 years’ experience in Telecoms and just around 8 years with IPv6. He is currently president of the IPv6 forum Grenada and is a certified IPv6 Forum Engineer (Gold). Brent has worked on many IPv6 deployments within the C&W Communications service provider environment, IXPs and with Caribbean enterprise customers, mainly in Trinidad, Grenada and Curacao. Some of his proudest moments in the IPv6 field was deploying IPv6 infrastructure at the Grenada IXP to support CDN providers such as Akamai. His near-term goal is to continue to roll-out IPv6 networks with the teams at C&W Communications.

Lab: IPv6 Rollout in 5 Steps

Presenter: Owen DeLong

TIME  11:00 am

Presentation Abstract:

This presentation will cover a series of logical steps to take in planning and executing an IPv6 deployment. While there will be some technical content, this is primarily about methodology. 



Owen DeLong has an eclectic array of interests, includingIPv6 and Internet Policy and Governance, Aviation, Electronics/IoT, Amateur Radio, Photography, SCUBA diving, and more. He’s a member of the ARIN Advisory Council and active in internet development efforts around the world. 

Lightning Presentations

IoT Security and MANRS - Shernon Osepa (ISOC) - Presentation

ISOC Barbados Chapter Update - David Smith (ISOC Barbados) - Presentation