Presentations and resources for topics covered at CaribNOG 15 are available below. Only presentations that have archived video, PDF, PowerPoint, or other files will be displayed.   

Day 1 - Wednesday April 18th 2018
  • CaribNOG Overview & Update (Stephen Lee, CaribNOG) - Presentation
  • ARIN Update (Susan Hamlin, ARIN) - Presentation
  • LACNIC Update (Oscar Robles, LACNIC) - Presentation
  • RIPE NCC Update (Axel Pawlik, RIPE NCC) - Presentation
  • APNIC Update (Paul Wilson, APNIC) - Presentation
  • Nuts and Bolts: The ARIN 41 Network Setup (Frank McDonough, ARIN & David Jeffers, ARIN) - Presentation
Day 2 - Thursday April 19th 2018
  • The Caribbean Network and Network Resiliency (Stephen Lee, CaribNOG) - Presentation
  • The Case for Building Autonomous Networks (JohnSweeting, ARIN) - Presentation
  • Autonomous Networks I (Richard Jimmerson, ARIN) - Presentation
  • Autonomous Networks II (Aaron Hughes, 6Connect) - Presentation
  • Deploying DNSSEC (Mark kosters, ARIN) - Presentation
  • CarPIF Update (Bevil Wooding, ARIN) - Presentation
Day 3 - Friday April 20th 2018
  • Rethinking the Network Infrastructure (David Farmer, UM) - Presentation
  • Caribbean Cloud Watch: Regional Cloud Infrastructure Trends (Kimano Barrow, PUC) - Presentation 
  • Cloud, Autonomy, Security and Resilience (Nishal Boburdhan, PCH) - Presentation
  • Security, Privacy and Trust at the Root (Albert Daniels, ICANN) - Presentation
  • Security and the Internet of Things (Shernon Osepa, ISOC) - Presentation