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Ministry of Public Telecommunications, Republic of Guyana


The mandate of the Ministry of Public Telecommunications is to develop an enabling environment for the increased use of Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) across all sectors within Guyana. The creation of a digital Government that provides, improved services to citizens and the development of a viable ICT private sector that will create wealth, employment and contribute significantly to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The Ministry is also tasked with the dissemination of information about the Ministry’s initiatives and encourage nationwide, multi-stakeholder inputs via workshops, online platforms/social media, media sessions and knowledge sharing programmes.





The Internet Society

The Internet Societyisthe world’s trusted and independent source of leadership for Internet policy, technology standards, and future developments. We establish and promote principles that are intended to persuade governments to make decisions that are right for their citizens and each nation’s future. Everything we do is based on ensuring that a healthy, sustainable Internet is available to everyone-today and for the next billion users.


Internet Governance Day

Internet Society will be focusing on Internet Governance and National IGFs. Why Internet Governance, because Internet Governance discussions can really help a country to make a difference. Internet Governance discussions go beyond technical matters but focus also on legal, economic, development, sociocultural, human rights and security aspects. National IGFs are very important because the nature of the Global IGFs are not focusing on taking decisions. At national IGFs, the local community has the opportunity to discuss local challenges and more importantly, to look for concrete solutions to these challenges.






The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

ICANN's mission is to help ensure a stable, secure and unified global Internet. To reach another person on the Internet, you have to type an address into your computer - a name or a number. That address has to be unique so computers know where to find each other. ICANN helps coordinate and support these unique identifiers across the world. ICANN was formed in 1998 as a not-for-profit public-benefit corporation and a community with participants from all over the world. ICANN and its community help keep the Internet secure, stable and interoperable. It also promotes competition and develops policy for the top-level of the Internet's naming system and facilitates the use of other unique Internet identifiers. The


LAC+i Roadshow

LAC+i Roadshow is designed to raise awareness across the LAC region on key topics related to the DNS critical infrastructure such as the transition to IPv6, SSR (Security, Stability and Resiliency) and the impact of the new gTLD program. To ensure a well distributed set of events there will be four editions of the LAC+i Roadshow per year: The Caribbean; Andean Region, Mexico and Central America and South America.





Latin American and American Internet Registry


LACNIC, the Latin American and Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry, is an international non-government organization established in Uruguay in 2002. It is responsible for assigning and administrating Internet numbering resources (IPv4, IPv6), Autonomous System Numbers, Reverse Resolution and other resources for the region of Latin America and the Caribbean. It is one of the five Regional Internet Registries that exist worldwide.


LACNIC On The Move

LACNIC On The Move Guyana will focus on enhancing knowledge about Internet numbering resources, and sharing best practices on issues such as IPv6 deployment, Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) for resource certification and Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC). LACNIC On The Move Guyana will also be a key forum for helping existing and potential members understand LACNIC’s registry services.

The event is geared towards ISP technicians, policy makers, regulators, ICT professionals, university students and other Internet stakeholders. 




If you are a Guyanese Internet stakeholder and would like to find out about collaboration opportunities, or would simply like to get more information, feel free to write to


Caribbean Telecommunications Union

The Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) is an inter-governmental organisation dedicated to supporting the development of the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) sector across the region.

The CTU was formed in 1989 by CARICOM heads of government, who recognized the need for stimulating enhancement of the infrastructure and policy framework in regional telecommunications. In 2004, the CTU responded to the rapid merging of communications technology and information technology by expanding its mandate to become an ICT body. Membership was also expanded to include non-CARICOM states, the private sector and civil society, turning the CTU a multi-stakeholder organisation and the primary ICT policy development tool for the Caribbean.




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Caribbean Network Operators Group

The Caribbean Network Operators Group (CaribNOG) is a rich community of Network Operators dedicated to exchanging technical information and experiences related to the management of IP networks in the Caribbean region.


CaribNOG objectives are:

·         To aggregate the region’s network professionals in a functional technical community

·         To harness the knowledge and experiences of the community as a rich resource

·         To provide a robust platform of expertise necessary in building knowledge based economies in the Caribbean region.

·         To foster technical research in areas of networking and internet technologies that produces a dense culture of mastery of the subject matter

·         To leverage the technical community in the solving of technical problems arising within the critical internet infrastructure implemented in the Caribbean region.


CaribNOG collaborates with the regional and international organisations and stakeholders to facilitate capacity building and professional networking activities.  Initiatives are delivered in several forms including technical workshops, seminars, research-papers and of course, our meetings twice per year.


