CaribNOG 11 Call for Presentations
The Caribbean Network Operators' Group (CaribNOG) will hold its 11th meeting in Montego Bay Jamaica on Apr 20 -22, 2016. The CaribNOG Program Committee seeks proposals for presentations, panels and tutorials for the CaribNOG 11 program.
Presentations may cover technology already deployed or soon-to-be deployed in the Internet. Vendors are welcome to submit talks that cover technologies and capabilities, but presentations must not be promotional or discuss proprietary solutions. CaribNOG 11 submissions can be emailed to
Materials from CaribNOG 11 will be archived on the CaribNOG 11 page.
The CaribNOG Program Committee seeks proposals for presentations, panels, labs/ tutorial sessions in the following areas including (but not limited to):
- IPv6
- IXPs
- Peering
- Cloud Services
- Cloud Security
In general, presentations are being sought by and for network operators of all sizes. Presentations about challenges you encounter at work and the solutions you implemented are welcomed. Don't delay in submitting your presentation, lab/tutorial or panel via email to
Presentation Guidelines
The primary speaker, moderator, or author should submit presentation information and an abstract via email to including any draft slides which may be available. (Draft slides are not required for an initial proposal to be initiated.) The following information should be shared:
- Author's name(s)
- Preferred contact email address
- A preferred phone number for contact
- Submission category (General Session, Panel, Lab/Tutorial, Lightning Presentations)
- Presentation title
- Abstract
- Slides (attachment or URL), in PowerPoint (preferred) or PDF format
General Session: A General Session presentation should be on a topic of interest to the general CaribNOG community, and may be up to 60-minutes long (including time for Q&A). Speakers must submit slides for a General Session presentation.
General Session Panel: Panels are 60-90-minute discussion sessions between a moderator and a team of panelists. The panel moderator should submit an abstract on the panel topic, a list of panelists, and how the panel will be organized.
Labs and Tutorials: Tutorials are typically 90-minute sessions. A presentation from the introductory through advanced level on all related topics, including:
- IPv6
- Peering
A tutorial submission should include an abstract and slides.
Lightning Talks: A lightning talk is a very short presentation or speech by any attendee on any topic relevant to the CaribNOG community. These are limited to 10-minutes.
We look forward to reviewing your submission(s).