ARIN Caribbean Technical Forum / CaribNOG 23
Building Resilient Networks
WEDNESDAY 11 MAY AND WEDNESDAY 18 MAY 2022 • 10:00 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. (EDT/ UTC-4)
The fifth annual ARIN Technical Community Forum hosted will be hosted in conjunction with Caribbean Network Operators Group (CaribNOG) Regional meeting, CaribNOG 23. The theme for this year’s Technical Forum is Building Resilient Networks. The event will highlight current regional and global initiatives and trends, including Internet Exchange Point (IXP) deployments, number resource deployments and route security strategies.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact the Caribbean, the work of keeping critical systems secure, resilient and accessible has become more challenging in the face of mounting threats. The push to more online services across the region has exposed several weak points in the Caribbean’s Internet infrastructure, human resource capacity and institutional readiness. A collective approach is needed to ensure that the network administrators and engineers are able to effectively address these important issues. The ARIN and CaribNOG collaboration in staging this important forum is in response to this need.